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Our partners
Our partners
Delivery partners
IncomeMax Community Interest Company is the lead organisation for the delivery of Connect for Help. IncomeMax is a social enterprise providing independent personal money advice to help households take control of their finances. IncomeMax will identify ways for households to increase income, reduce bills and deal with any problem debts. They can also help overcome tricky obstacles like phone calls to government departments, claims forms and incorrect benefits decisions.
National Grid provided £150 million to establish the Warm Homes Fund across England, Wales and Scotland and support households in fuel poverty.
AgilityEco provides experience and expertise in energy efficiency. Apart from managing the vast numbers of energy efficiency projects, AgilityEco have a enthusiastic Energy Advice Team that receive enquiries and online referrals to the Connect for Help service. They carry out the initial phone assessment with clients, and arrange and deliver additional help and support including detailed energy advice and referrals to local organisations.
Referral partners
Feulbank Foundation works with selected foodbanks and advice agencies to provide people with the breathing space they need to get back on their feet. They have been helping Connect for Help support fuel poor and vulnerable residents each day.
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